Summer Retreat Specials
The Year’s Best Pricing on Retreats, Trainings & Team-Building Events
30% 40% 50% Off School Year Prices
Bring Your Team Together
We all love a getaway. It’s fun to enjoy loved ones and recharge our batteries. Even Jesus hit “pause” for his disciples when he said, “Come away with me to a quiet place for some rest.”
It’s not too late to make something good happen for your people!
Will This Summer Sizzle or Fizzle?
Some of us are meticulous planners and some are not. Whatever the case, this letter is a reminder that it’s springtime, but summers a comin’!
Set the example of a leader who has a life outside of work. Make time for hobbies, loved ones, and the outdoors. Vacation means “vacate”. Am-scray. Take your vacation time and encourage your people to do the same. Everyone wins when folks get rest and come back with memories made and stories to tell.
Pro Tip: Do that personally AND do that as a staff, team, or organization. Make time and take time to get your staff away together for rest and relaxation. Other words that start with “r” come in handy here too, words such as reflect, remember, rejuvenate, and reset. And if you can retool, well, that’s a summer that sizzles.

I’m Steve Garcia – Team-Building, Dream-Building Wizard
Perhaps better said, “I’m a team-building, dream-building geek.” Whatever you are when you eat, sleep, and drink “teams and dreams”, that’s me.
I love teams because they’re encouraging, collaborative, and fun. I also love them because I need them. 30+years of pastoral leadership have shown me three things:
- We’re all uniquely gifted with God-given strengths
- No one has enough strengths, talents, or time to fly solo
- We’re better together.
We all know that things that get time, attention, and investment become healthier. That’s true of your garden, your body, your marriage, and your team.
As a seasoned coach specializing in leadership and team-building, I understand the weight you carry. I’m here to lighten your load with experiences that aren’t just a breath of fresh air but are transformational—even when you return to the daily grind.
A Dream Team Experience Can be a Highlight of Your Year
I’ve tried to convince you to make time to rest and rejuvenate, If you’re still reading, you may be asking,“Yes, but how?”
Short answer: Call Me.
I take the work out of a staff getaway, team retreat, or even a solo sabbatical.
I’ll help you…
- Reflect on Your Wins
- Remember Your Core Values
- Rest, Relax, and Rejuvenate
- Retool for Greater Effectiveness
- Return to Your Work with Renewed Energy
Choose Your Path to a Sizzling Summer:
1. Story Work: Dive deep into your journey—acknowledge your past and redefine your future. Learn from your mistakes and move forward. Remember, God can turn your mess into a message!
2. Strengths Exploration: Discover & Deploy your God-given talents with the Clifton StrengthsFinder tool. I’m Gallup-certified and trained to help you maximize your strengths and make your weaknesses inconsequential
3. Strategic Problem-Solving: I’m a Board Certified Leadership Coach. I use the latest and greatest leadership tools to help you move from where you are to where you want to be. Let’s remove obstacles, fast-track solutions, and set new, doable goals.
4. Soul Care: As a seminary-trained, ordained, and right-brained pastor, I believe that what’s going on inside you is as important as what’s going on around you. You and your team will feel known, loved, and cheered on with me in your corner.
How We Create Your Summer Transformation
One-on-One Coaching
Do you have a coach in your corner. You could!
Staff Getaways
I’ll fit into your dreams and plans, providing inspiration, information, and invitation to pull in the same direction and move the mission forward.
Team-Building Retreats
Have some fun, do some prayer and planning, develop some new tools, whatever you need. We can co-create an agenda you’ll love.
Our Toolkit Includes:
- Clifton StrengthsFinder
- StoryBrand Marketing & Messaging
- The Trust Edge
- Steve’s Signature Approaches
Special Launch Offer20% OFF
Book by [insert deadline] and enjoy a 20% discount on all packages, plus bonus follow-up resources to ensure your gains are not just momentary but lasting.

Ready to Make Your Summer Sizzle?
Don’t let another summer slip by. Elevate your leadership, inspire your team, and transform your organization.
Let’s discuss how we can tailor an experience that perfectly suits your needs.